No.1 kid typist (might be true)

I'm smart and 8 years old and am the kid who is supposed to really be in EPP

Nice to meet you Kenji! Let's do some PrG! Check it out buds!

I will explain the steps here: You just read it and do nothing - no just kidding! I have a link so checkit-out! This is a whole paragraph. I think you already know that I'm 8 years old because you read the last bit. Just like it says, I am the No.1 typist in my whole grade (I did not explain that yet). Myaverage speed is about 65-73 WPM. I play basketball too you know? I am of course a boy if I have this name! I have a little brother and a big sister. I have my mom and dad that makes me a 5 person family. Nice to meet you! The first link is the app that I learned typing from. This is the second link. By the way, I almost always a higher WPM than 67 in the image. I've even typed 90 even though there were real words, numbers and symbols. Remember, just looking if it is already logged in on my account. I will make another link that is another typing app that I like. This is the link to the app called Nitrotype. Have fun!